- Interim services (oil and filter changes and general check over of levels and pressures)
- Engine services (as above and all other engine filtration)
- Full services (as above including brake inspection)
Good to know:
- Longlife spark plugs may be required in addition to your standard petrol engine full service
- Glow plugs aren’t replaced on a diesel engine full service unless there is a fault detected
- Many diesel vehicles have a Diesel Particulate Filter fitted which is another component designed to aid and combat emissions. These are mandatory on all diesel vehicles built after 2008.
- You must not remove a DPF or CAT from your vehicle – it will fail its MOT.
Servicing within a vehicles manufacturer warranty period:
Contrary to what many believe – you don’t HAVE to go back to the main dealer, Block Exemption Legislation allows independent garages to service within the warranty period – see the Who Can Fix My Car Blog
When purchasing a new car, you should check what type of servicing schedule it has. There are two main types: fixed-schedule servicing and variable servicing. The manufacturer may stipulate which type of servicing is required or depending on driving style the driver could pick.”
Variable servicing depends on sensors fitted around the car and its on-board computer. The sensor will light up on the dashboard when a service is due. Motorway driving puts less stress on vehicle components, this style of driving allows for larger mileage between services. In comparison driving within a town or city with frequent accelerating and braking will require earlier or more regular servicing. With this type of servicing it’s important the service light is reset after completion. Some vehicles may not allow you to reset a service light until it has illuminated on the dash, even if you have had it serviced in advance.
Fixed servicing takes place when a certain amount of mileage has been reached, or within a certain time. With this type it’s important that as the driver you keep an eye on the mileage and time as there is significantly less leeway with this type of service, especially if you lease your vehicle.
Does my vehicle need to be serviced by the main dealer?
No, it does not. Due to the Block Exemption Regulation, any reputable garage can carry out servicing and repairs. The terms and conditions of what needs to take place within the service will be stipulated by the main dealer and as long as this is adhered to, it does not matter where the work is completed. OE quality parts will need to be used, these are parts with a quality equivalent to those used when your car was built and the same as what the main dealer uses.
It’s also important that if any repairs are needed during the service, OE quality parts are used. This means parts for the service and any parts needed for repairs.
OE quality means original equipment, the same as genuine. OE quality parts are more expensive than cheaper alternatives but will ensure the warranty is valid and you are usually saving up to 50% of the cost of genuine parts.
Pros of using an Independent garage:
Using an independent garage such as ourselves gives you the opportunity to benefit from competitive labour rates, quality parts, a wide range of expertise, a personal service with the flexibility of booking a date and time that works for you at a favourable price point.
Book with us for a service that exceeds expectations.
Notice to customers: Please leave your locking wheel nut key and service book on the passenger seat.